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2023-11-05 08:28| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

1、She had a wealthy childhood, never lacking for toys or books.她的童年是富有的,从未缺过玩具或书。

2、”His great and wealthy enterprise constantly formed an apple of discord.他的庞大而富有的公司时常成为争论的中心。

3、To be both healthy and wealthy the secret is to balance between material and spiritual possession.同时拥有健康和富裕的秘密在于平衡物质和精神追求。

4、In other words, wealthy people, in an effort to alleviate penury, would create a savings bank.换句话说,富人们要扶危济困,便建立了储蓄银行。

5、There were once three sons of a wealthy businessman.从前,有个富商生了三个儿子。

6、A friend was recently mortified when her wealthy boyfriend bought her a pair of diamond earrings.最近,一个朋友的有钱男友给她买了一对钻石耳环,她差点气死。

7、He cheated her into believing him a wealthy man他骗得她相信他是一个富翁。

8、a moderately wealthy family一个普通富裕的家庭

9、The bear leader bear-led a group of wealthy young men on a cross-country hike.家庭教师带领一组富家子弟作越野远足。

10、He is a wealthy businessman他是个有钱的实业家。

11、That night, both of the wealthy man and his wife had the same dream.那天夜里﹐这对富人夫妇有一个相同的梦。

12、This orphanage solicits its benevolence of the wealthy people.这所孤儿院恳求富人的善心。

13、A wealthy amateur sportsman, especially an amateur yachtsman业余运动家富裕的业余运动者,尤其指业余驾驶快艇的人

14、Mr Buffett is a modest, laid-back and fabulously wealthy guy.巴菲特是个谨慎、低调并拥有惊人财富的家伙。

15、He grew up in a wealthy family.他在一个富有的家庭里长大。

16、A government or state in which the wealthy rule由富豪统治的政府或国家

17、There came a wealthy stock broker who cast sheep's eyes at the beautiful girl.那儿来了一个富有的证券经纪人,他含情脉脉地看着这位漂亮的姑娘。

18、Foreign environmentalists court him, and the wealthy Gujarati diaspora also cheer him.国外的环保人士向他大献殷勤;侨居海外的古吉拉特富人也向他欢呼。

19、The new arts centre is the brain-child of a wealthy local businessman.这座新艺术馆是根据当地一位富商的构想而修建的。

20、Germany is the largest giver of aid among the wealthy countries of the West.德国是西方富有国家中最大援助的给予国。

21、They were all masters of torah, proficient in fuses, and brutal and wealthy person.他们都是深通教律,精于谋略,残酷无情而富有的人。

22、One who has good fortune, especially a wealthy person有好运的人交好运的人,尤指有钱人

23、And it was owned by a very wealthy man.它的主人是一个非常有钱的先生。

24、By a cruel irony of fate, the wealthy man died heirless.命运捉弄人真是残酷,这位富翁身后无嗣。

25、Parents who are white, wealthy or college-educated say too much involvement can be bad.白人、富人或受过大学教育的家长表示,过多干涉可能会带来不好的影响。

26、He was out of work and had to feed on his wealthy father.他失业了,不得不依靠富裕的父亲生活。

27、Katherine Meyer was born in 1917 to a wealthy and privileged family.凯瑟琳·迈耶1917年出生在一个富裕的特权家庭。

28、Early to bed, early to rise makes you healthy, wealthy and wise.早睡早起使人健康、富足、睿智。

29、One of those people was John Kenyon, a wealthy and convivial friend of the arts.在这些同她接触的人中,有一个富有和欢乐的艺术朋友,名叫约翰·。

30、Thanks to the lure of the wealthy coast, many have already done so.归功于沿海地区的繁荣,很多农民已经这样做了。

wealthy翻译a. 富有的, 丰裕的, 充分的 详情




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